Monday, 19 November 2012

Detoxing and Returning to Health

Detoxing can be a very powerful, wonderful way to clean your insides out, lose weight, brighten your skin, clean the blood, return to vibrant health and eliminate parasites. It helps to bring the body back into balance ensuring pathogenic microorganisms such as candida don't get out of control in the body.
This is my personal detox plan, feel free to use it although this is only what I PERSONALLY do for myself (tailored to my food intolerances), it is essential that you are supervised by a highly qualified naturopath/nutritionist and a detox is also CONTRAINDICATED in pregnancy- as during the process of removing toxins etc these could be passed on to the baby and cause serious damage.

Detox steps (many of these steps will not be suitable for those with severe salicylate intolerance SORRY! Suitable for celiac's, wheat intolerant etc), begin with a few days of vegetable juice fasting and chicken bone broth and vegetable soups.

You may use one piece of fruit in your morning juice but throughout the day it is best just to use vegetables (you can use as much lemon and lime as you want however) so that your sugar levels don't get out of control as candida etc will feed off all sugar including fruit, the best kinds of vegetables to juice are green ones- these will be very alkalising and excellent at detoxing and cleaning the blood, include spirulina, celery, barley and wheat grass, chlorella, kale etc. You may use a high quality protein powder such as Tony Sfeirs pea protein or egg yolks in your juice for extra energy and protein.

Throughout entire treatment it is ESSENTIAL to practice dry skin brushing, take epsom salt baths, get sunshine every day and exercise, DON'T overdo it on the exercise during this time however, light yoga and a nice walk in the park will be enough. It is also very important to have quiet time every day, meditate and practice positive affirmations and loving and approving of yourself.

After a few days of fasting begin to introduce more whole vegetables, seeds, nuts, grains if you tolerate them (quinoa, buckwheat, millet, amaranth only, in their WHOLE form (not flour, bread, pasta etc), including plenty of ginger, garlic, coconut oil, organic eggs, spices and herbs and variety but do not introduce dairy or meat at this stage. At this time you want to begin taking a supplement to kill off parasites, you can find these at your local health food store and are usually made of herbs such as black walnut, wormwood, garlic etc. It would also be advisable to make sure you are getting essential minerals so continue with the bone broth soup throughout. It is essential to take PLENTY of Vit C, 4 teaspoons of pure Melrose brand a day would be excellent. Don't forget to continue with exercise, sunshine and meditation. It would also be a wonderful idea to take a good quality fish oil. After a good three weeks on this protocol you can discontinue the use of the parasite killer.

Commence replenishing friendly bacteria, I use kefir made on raw organic milk and water kefir (read this to find out more, also include kombucha, these are all amazing probiotic drinks for replenishing friendly bacteria and the best news is they are DELICIOUS. It would be particularly beneficial to take the probiotic SB floractic or another high quality probiotic capsule. Introduce small amounts of raw organic grass fed meat slowly as well as raw organic butter (preferably cultured), while still using coconut oil and all other things previously listed in the diet above.
To maintain health benefits continue to eat in this manner indefinitely, after a few months you may cease taking probiotic capsules but continue with kefirs, kombucha etc.

Eat any amount of processed/packaged foods, sugar, fast food, flour, gluten etc etc
Eat dried fruits (high in sugar)

If you live in Brisbane and wish to hold a Thermomix demonstration please email me at with your contact details and I will be in touch.

Best of luck!
Jessie :)

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